Tag Archives: networking

SFU’s Backpack to Briefcase Conference

One amazing situation/question passed on by my student audience at SFU’s Backpack to Briefcase Conference last Saturday: In this competitive labour market, where everyone is so driven, so talented, so educated, and so willing to show s/he has the skills and passion to do the job, how do we, as candidates, distinguish ourselves, how do we find that unique side we all supposedly have?

Theodore Roosevelt’s words, “Believe you can, and you’re halfway there” stand strong when I think about this. We would all benefit from each others’ thoughts on this topic, so I’m considering the front open to comments. As far as I’m concerned, there are not two people alike, not even after a so called “superficial” five minutes conversation. We’re usually not doing a good enough job at getting to know ourselves, and that doesn’t stop at youth or digital gen, but applies to all of us, thus we need help from others (anyone who can be completely honest will do) and we need to access/ use available personality tests (MBTI, Personality Dimensions) to run a comprehensive research on ourselves. We need to start with understanding ourselves, this comes first. When we have a chance to talk to prospective employers at an event, they will see through us right away (surveys say it’s a game of seconds). We need to be able to help them see the whole we represent: our abilities, soft skills, transferable skills, all of it conveyed in a certain way, all of it properly displayed. Imagine yourself at a professional event, walking elegant, talking with confidence, smiling. Yes, you need that kind of day dreaming.


Then reality kicks in, and at the same event we have just imagined ourselves shining, we stumble into things, or people, or just mumble what was supposed to be a glorious introduction speech. When we look back, we think “gosh, I should’ve said that!” Something’s missing, right? Yes, you’ve got it, it’s called practice. A gold medal doesn’t come without hard work and lots of perspiration, so imagine the job of your dreams is that gold medal. Fight for it. Think about your story. Have it ready. Say it with confidence. One of the students told me he kept a job along to pay for his own studies and I could see the sparkle in his eyes, he was proud of what he has achieved. I liked that. So I encouraged him to use his survival story, make it beautiful, tell it to his friends, and become a natural at taking about it. A short and compelling story, told from your heart. That is what will differentiate you from others. People remember stories, and while not all of us are good story tellers, here’s the good news: most of us have improved by working at it. Once you became good at it – you may add this skill to your portfolio.

Magdalena Mot

When in Rome, do as the Romans

The need to talk about the BC Professional Immigrant Conference that happened this past Saturday at Hilton Vancouver Metrotown is quite high and I’m only hoping you’ve been part of that wonderful audience of over 500. New Vancouverites – professionals trained all over the world – have attended to learn about career development, succeeding in a new country, and simply network. If in theory it’s quite simple – When in Rome, do as the Romans – practice proved us differently. To me, this event was great on a few different levels: I’ve reconnected with some old friends and some of my colleagues I haven’t seen since the Career Development Conference last year, met a few of my former clients from Richmond (I was so happy to learn about their success stories and even happier they came to see me!), made a few new connections, and I was able to present on such a dynamic topic as Social Media and Personal Branding. Very well spent time, both as a participant and as a presenter. IMG_0268As a participant, I was dazed to personally meet and talk to Lionel Laroche, the keynote speaker at this event and the author of (among others) Managing Cultural Diversity in Technical Professions. He addressed an audience of over 500 participants on the topic of Succeeding in Canada. Laroche emphasized many of the points we bring up during our counselling sessions at Skills Connect, yet wrapped in such great stories that the audience – myself included – has moved from smiling, to laughing, and to all kind of other noises specific to a suddenly surprised crowd. The learning curve an immigrant expects to go through when s/he arrives to Canada is somewhere from 6 to 12 months, but in reality, as per Lionel’s discourse, this can go up to around 6 to 7 years or more. Once those numbers uttered, I looked around me and I could sense a heavy and silent shock, some heads moved slowly from left to right and back, some sighed heavily, some chins dropped down. As someone who’s been here long enough, I could see Lionel’s point very clearly, but this is a hard to accept reality. On the bright side though, as a career advisor, I must say I have witnessed quite a few meaningful success stories of newcomers who have managed to settle in a good role in less than a year. Not too many, however. And no matter how fine that position was, it was still at a level that was much lower when comparing to the work they did before moving to Canada. In a charmingly plain graphic representation, Laroche illustrated how, along this learning and acclimatization curve, some factors proved to be more important than others. Among the central ones we find, again, those language and soft skills. As a newcomer, as soon as you manage to tune your soft skills up, align to the standards of your new home, and develop your communication skills, you’re good to go. Many come to settle in Canada with really high technical skills. When they fail at fining professional work, their first attempt to fix this situation is to go back to school and take those technical skills one step higher. This is unfortunate. Bringing up an inspiring story about his own start in Canada, Laroche emphasized how the soft skills (not the technical ones) truly are the first item newcomers should tackle and improve. I really enjoyed listening to this stimulating keynote presentation and it is my hope that all the participants have left the venue with precious information in their pockets. If what you have learned has both inspired and moved you, don’t sleep on it for too long: get started, you’re the master of your own future. If you have questions that concern you, then seek professional advice and try to move on, make a plan, follow it. Time does not forgive. I’d like to wrap-up my note about this event with a quote from the American author Wayne Dyer: Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal, live this day as if it were your last. The past is over and gone.

by Magdalena Mot

Did You Consider an Informational Interview?

Informational Interviews

Most of those I have coached in the past said they have never heard of this networking tool. An informational interview is a very short business meeting between two professionals. Its purpose is that of learning about a specific role, position, or about a certain organization.

Why is this useful? Because it provides information that’s specific to a certain geographic area and it speaks to a particular and unique life experience. This type of meeting can be arranged by a third person (by referral) or directly between two professionals: one seeking information and the other one able to provide it. The informational interview is normally short, around fifteen minutes, and its purpose needs to be clearly outlined in advance. For example, an internationally trained engineer may want to conduct at least ten informational interviews with professionals working in various engineering roles in the location he or she has moved to. In addition to the typical licensing process, there are so many things s/he might find rather different and their success really depends on understanding those differences.

An Informational Interview can also help new graduates get answers from someone who’s seasoned in a specific role or a certain industry. This is a great opportunity to exchange ideas and learn about next steps directly from the source. Before the end of this meeting, ask the person you’re interviewing to refer you to talk to other people they know in the same industry, it’s a great way to learn more and also grow your network.

How can I schedule such a meeting? By all means, there are a few ways to go about it, but before booking a meeting, identify what you want to get out of it. Conduct extensive research on the organizations and professionals you are targeting. Analyze your intentions. This is not a job search activity, you need to be careful and not mention your job search. These are meetings meant to help you create a professional network and build strong relationships, while developing an understanding of your next career steps. To schedule an appointment, you may contact the selected interviewee by telephone or someone may introduce you. If you’re making a cold call, it’s preferable to avoid leaving a voice message, especially if you did not have a chance to meet this person before, but rather try calling at a different time. LinkedIn direct messages or email may be other options for a first contact.

What are the steps? If you’re calling, please ensure you’ve practiced that elevator pitch and have the purpose of your request clearly outlined. Be flexible in terms of setting the time of the meeting around the schedule of the professional you’re going to interview. Make sure to specify that this would be a very short meeting, 15 to 20 minutes max, and can be easily done during a virtual or face-to-face coffee break. The preferred location would be at the workplace of the interviewed professional, as this will help you learn even more about the workplace, but if this is not possible, a coffee shop or cafeteria nearby may work as well. Sometimes people agree to do a video meeting and you may conduct your interview this way.

What’s next? More research and preparation. Based on the information you gather, you will need to list around 12 to 14 questions to ensure you stay on topic. If you’ll be meeting in person, print them off. Stay focused on topic and respect the time you’ve agreed upon as this will speak to your own time management skills and your ability to reach a target. As you know, time is life’s most precious commodity, as one cannot regain it after spending it. The questions you ask may vary from being role specific to being organization and workplace specific, or even industry specific. It’s a good idea to look at other resources available on this topic or seek advise from a certified career coach.

Value. You will gain invaluable information on the role or occupation you’re targeting and, depending on how you’ve built your questions, you’ll end up with data you cannot find online. Organize and use this information well, this data will help you tremendously in the long run. Remember, knowledge is power. For example, at a certain point in the future, you may have a job interview with that same organization and, as a candidate, you will have inside information and the advantage of knowing firsthand what other candidates may not know. In addition, you’ll be able to keep in touch with people in your field and expand your connections. Building trust takes time, those connections will not become your trusted network overnight. Set realistic long-term goals and follow your strategic career development plan step by step. My grandma use to say – big things don’t happen overnight, there is always an incubation time, so be patient.

Why do it at all? Spending all this time and energy to conduct informational interviews will help you gather facts as well as multiply your existing connections, which will pay in the long run. Abraham Lincoln’s words come to mind right now: “if I had 8 hours to chop down a tree, I’d spend 6 sharpening the axe.” Based on the current labour market reality, finding a position that matches your personality and skills may take extensive preparation, don’t start with chopping down a tree if you don’t even have a proper axe.

Magdalena Mot